After school clubs
The Terra Nova Bilingual School is also here for our students after regular lessons have ended. A varied range of recreational courses after classes have finished makes it possible for children and young students to pursue special interests and talents. After school there is also the possibility to do homework and prepare for tests with the support of a teacher.
Kung Fu Martial Arts 1
10. June 2024 –8:00 - 12. July 2025 –17:00
In our Kung Fu classes, the young fighters are introduced to this martial art in a playful way. First and foremost, the participants get to know their bodies. Through strength, endurance and flexibility exercises, the children learn to feel their body. Coordination techniques combined with speed sharpen both motor skills and concentration. Kung Fu means “hard work”, implying that a certain amount of patience is practised during training. But joy and fun in the “work” is just as important in Kung Fu.
The students learn to control and channel their energy, whether in partner exercises, on punching cushions or on an air-filled stand-up punching bag.
Die Schülerinnen und Schüler lernen in diesem Kurs ihre Energien kontrolliert umzusetzen und damit umzugehen, sei es in Partnerübungen, an Schlagkissen oder an einem mit Luft gefüllten Steh-auf-Sandsack.
Course Instructor
Dominic Wintsch is a Martial Arts Teacher at the Chin Woo School in Uster. He has been teaching and deepening his Kung Fu every day for 20 years. Kung Fu will always be a part of Dominic’s life, because he realised that the path from martial arts as a sport to martial arts as an art requires dedication and the centring of body, mind and heart. And that fills him with joy.