After school clubs

The Terra Nova Bilingual School is also here for our students after regular lessons have ended. A varied range of recreational courses after classes have finished makes it possible for children and young students to pursue special interests and talents. After school there is also the possibility to do homework and prepare for tests with the support of a teacher.

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This club is for our Kindergarten students only.


In addition to fine-tuning skills developed in the previous Playball programs your child will practice more demanding and specialised sports skills and sport sequences, with an emphasis on the quality of the skills execution.

  • Teamwork – The development of teamwork and partner work.
  • Execution – The development of the correct execution of the skill.
  • Decision-Making – Development of decision-making in a game situation.
  • Sport Games – Playing sport games in a competitive environment.

Additional Information

Small classes that are age specific for boys and girls. Every child receives reports during the year and a certificate at the completion of each stage.

Course Instructor

Coaches are trained regularly and use specialised coaching methods as well as specially designed sporting equipment.